
Monday, 5 September 2016

Try converting a model! Guild Ball - Fillet: "a REAL Blood Dance"

Well, I know models and how "cool" they look can be a highly subjective thing. When it comes to Guild Ball models, I think they are overall very good, but sometimes they are missing a little something extra.

In the past, when I bought models, I assembled them as quick as I could, primed them, and painted them immediately. I didn't bother cleaning models, filling in gaps, or anything else like that. I didn't care at all about the hobby aspect. I just wanted them on the table so I could use them to play the game.

Overall, I am still like that. But I certainly clean the flash and mold lines off of all my models now. Filling in gaps is still something I don't care enough to do, but thankfully, the models today seem to be of higher casting quality than they used to be of yesteryear, so it's not something I ever feel I have to do. There just aren't as many gaps as there used to be.
 Back to Guild Ball. I feel like a lot of them are missing "something." Either they are too static, or they are just missing some kind of flair. I'm not a conversionist. I have done the occasional mod here and there, but I just don't have the time or care to do some of the crazy things I've seen people do with their models.

 However, it's Labour Day, and I am in a very, very rare situation in my life: I'm relatively unbusy today! Mind you, I still put up a floating shelf, did my grocery shopping, went on a walk with my family, and am hosting a BBQ for the in-laws. But I thought, "I have an hour or so... let's Make Fillet REALLY Blood Dance!"

So, my first conversion of any real substance that didn't involve just a head swap. Check it out! Sure, maybe it's very un-realistic. It's very anime-esque. But I just wanted my Fillet to have swirls of blood circling around her as she dances through and slices down her opponents. I think this accomplishes that look. :)

Hope you guys like it, and I hope it inspires other non-hobbyists to try something new with their models.
Have an amazing day!

-the aY

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